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terry切尔西< = >represent 切尔西

2024-12-17 7:48:32 足球系统 邬新儿



Two Sunday newspapers have quietly apologised to a woman who was the subject of a tabloid feeding frenzy earlier this year.

Vanessa Perroncel was alleged in several papers to have had an affair with the Chelsea and England footballer John Terry. All sorts of personal and private information about Perroncel was published at the time, much it false.

The first paper to make amends was the Mail on Sunday. On page 18 of its 4 July issue, it carried a single, but significant, paragraph:

On January 31, we published some personal information about Vanessa Perroncel concerning an alleged affair with the footballer John Terry. We have since been informed she would have preferred this to remain private and it was untrue in any case. We apologise to Miss Perroncel for any distress caused.


约翰-特里(JohnTerry),现任切尔西队长,昵称JT。   粤语名:泰利   国籍:英国   生日:1980-12-7   身高:1米86   体重:78公斤   位置:中后卫   现效力球队:切尔西   球衣号码:26号 MB,英文简写,意思有很多种。1、计算机中的一种储存单位。2、电脑游戏的名称的简写3、产品品牌的简称。4、网络语言。5、程序文件的扩展名。其中以计算机中的一种储存单位使用较广。

